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Introduction to

Human Computer Interaction

by @imnirdst

Why HCI?


Best ideas emerge from the intersection of technology and the humanities.

What is HCI?

The study of interaction between people and computers. It is often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, design and several other fields of study.

Visual Design

Interaction Design Principles

Match Experience & Expectations


Cognitive load

Error Prevention, Detection & Recovery



Functional Minimalism

Intelligent User Interfaces

Analysis of Multi-modal input

Generation of Multi-modal output

Adaptive Interaction

Recommender Systems

Natural Language Processing

Data Visualization

Social Computing

When we speak of social computing we are concerned with how digital systems go about supporting social interaction that is fundamental to how we live, work and play. They do this by providing communication mechanisms through which we can interact by talking and sharing information with one another, and by capturing, processing and displaying traces of our online actions and interactions that then serve as grist for further interaction.

Job Opportunities

Research Opportunities


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